Since 2004, Top of the Hill Counseling has provided confidential, compassionate and effective outpatient substance abuse therapy, alcohol counseling and comprehensive addiction therapy to adults, adolescents and affected family members in Southern Maine.

As one of Portland’s top-rated, state-licensed agencies, our skilled staff includes men and women with over 100 years of combined recovery and treatment experience. We have spent most of our adult lives navigating the challenges and effects of substance abuse, alcohol problems and the treatment process.

You are not alone. We understand. We’ve been there.

We can help.

We are not a large hospital or corporate agency. Conveniently located in the State Theater building in Portland, we are a small, easy-going group of knowledgeable and skilled substance abuse counselors, drug counselors and alcohol treatment specialists committed to helping you or your family member address any alcohol or drug related challenges.

We also understand the impact drug and alcohol abuse has on family and friends. At Top of the Hill we also provide counseling for “affected others” to help them navigate the substance abuse, alcohol problems and treatment process of important people in their lives.

Call us at 207.780.8999 or email us right now for more information.

We would be happy to tell you more about our services and how we can help.
All conversations and correspondence are confidential.